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2009-07-28 09:43 战略·谋略 ⁄ 共 8702字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论








中国外部资产增长的两种估计(十亿美元单位)。来源:中国央行/Brad Setser01/2009










我们要强调的是,到底这个进程速度有多快。先不说他们方法的不透明(这是保证美元和美国债券免于崩溃的前提,在北京选择时机之前),Brad W. Setser和Arpana Pandey值得注意的研究表明(外交关系理事会2009年出版物发表),中国外汇储备到2008年末时预计总量为2万3千亿美元(也就是说是中国GDP的50%(12)),其中有1万7千亿美元计价资产(9000亿债券,5500亿GSE债券(房地美、房利美等……),接近2000亿企业资产还有400亿短期储蓄)。该研究的作者得出的结论是,北京已经没兴趣再增加大量资产,因为会逐渐增加风险,这是由特别是美国危机所带来的金融和经济决定的(13),现在面临损失的风险,也是因为,在未来不再有钱——由于贸易顺差的崩溃,还有外部投资的缺乏。



非常符合逻辑,北京正在处理这些巨量过剩外汇储备,它使中国领导人成为美国决策的囚徒,并对他们国家没什么好处,在RGE Monitor于2009年2月21日出版的Rachel Zembia的一篇文章中,非常显著的描述:放贷给东盟国家(14),交换协议,这是400家中国企业以人民币元与亚洲国家贸易的放行(15),放贷给非洲国家和俄罗斯,和波斯湾国家长期特别石油费率的磋商,放贷给巴西和阿布扎比的石油公司,购买欧洲与日本的企业股份(很奇怪,没有美国的),等等。作者强调了这个事实,这些协议要保证中国企业对这些资源的利用。与表面相反,北京分别处理美国债券和美元交换资产的交易,真正攸关的是,这是国家的需要,也更因为价格记录低位,在美国债券和美元还有些价值的时候。




美国货币基础。来源:Réserve fédérale US03/2009


LEAP/E2020相信,这个阶段,他们会考虑尽可能用好美元资产。然后,最好也是按下“按钮”——或者并不阻止。中国“大逃亡”的第二阶段开始了,这要看其它的关键玩家了。除了人民币元是国际储备货币,还有欧元、日元、卢布、里亚尔,或是基于这些货币的一揽子的新国际储备货币。美元没有成功的可能,而G20将会减为G18(没有美国和英国,日本不再能够逃出中国影响的范围)。要不然,就会出现全球地缘政治性脱钩,这在GEAB N°32已经描述过了,基于经济区,每个经济区都用他们特定的储备货币进行贸易。




(1) The corridors at the London G20 Summit were full of discussions about a post-Dollar era. The feedback we got from our own initiative (the Open Letter to the G20 leaders) already proves it. So the declaration of the Central Bank of China on the same day was certainly at the centre of all the serious conversations (not those covered by the media) during and after the London Summit.

(2) Beijing has recently launched a think-tank dedicated to the global economic crisis intended to help Chinese leaders with their decisions. Regardless of the increasing traffic observed since the end of 2008 on LEAP/E2020’s websites coming from China (and Japan too, including spontaneous translations of our public announcements on a variety of websites and blogs), this initiative clearly suggests that China now wishes to distance itself from US and UK analyses which represented, until then, 90 percent of Chinese experts’ sources. Source: ChinaDaily, 03/21/2009

(3) The movie of the same name, based on a true story, shows nothing else. In real life, the lack of meticulous preparation would doom the escape to partial failure.

(4) The main players are perfectly aware that capital is now flowing out of the US at the precise moment when the country’s huge public borrowing requirements substantially increase the need for foreign capital. In January 2009, the net amount of capital that left the US was USD 150-billion. Source: US Department of Treasury, 03/16/2009

(5) In this case, our researchers are talking months, not years (like the experts, who « concede » that there is a problem of status with the Dollar, would like to believe), because the size of the out-of-control US deficits represent a major threat in the short-term for the entire monetary system.

(6) China’s great political leap, which took place in the 1950s, entailed many disastrous collateral effects (millions of people died of the resulting hunger), but no one can tell whether or not the political leadership of the Chinese communist party is ready to take this kind of risk in the event its own survival and/or the country’s internal stability are at stake. European and American analysts pretend to know what Chinese leaders have in mind, because they have a tendency to think of them in their own image. According to our team, the post-Dollar era (if executed in an organized manner, by means of a new international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies, or chaotically by means of a sudden and non-negotiated end to the Dollar era) marks first of all a post-European era (or post-Western, if we estimate that there is an American specificity as far as core values are concerned), and that such an era has surprises in store for Europe- and West-centered people. Those who doubt it should read these remarks from a Chinese central banker on China’s « superior system advantage ». Source: MarketWatch, 04/26/2009

(7) After South Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia, it was the turn of Argentina to sign a swap agreement with China for a USD 14.5-billion equivalent in their currency, thus allowing each country’s businesses to bypass the US Dollar in trade and strengthening the Yuan’s position as international exchange currency outside Asia. Source: AustralianNews, 04/01/2009

(8) This Los Angeles Times article, dated 04/03/2009, is one of the broadest-minded on this subject! But, it is a fact that China is far closer to Sunset Boulevard than to the Beltway.

(9) We say « former protector » because, as the last NATO summit again proved, Europeans and Americans no longer agree at all on the nature of current threats. The war in Afghanistan is becoming a US war only and the Europeans are mostly preoccupied by the reorganization of their strategic relationship with Moscow. In short, the Alliance (with France a member again, as our team announced when Nicolas Sarkozy was elected) is now nothing more than a senior club in need of common goals other than spending some time together and pretending that everyone gets on as well as they did 60 years ago. Unfortunately, « old age is a shipwreck » as Charles De Gaulle used to say.

(10) The idea is unrealistic. Indeed, SDR were killed by the US around 40 years ago. To have any chance of success, a brand new currency must be created (especially as, called« Special Drawing Rights », it would be very unlikely to enhance its reputation outside the strict circle of monetary experts).

(11) For which they will hold the US responsible: extravagant deficits, incapacity to stimulate economy… the reasons will be many at the end of summer 2009.

(12) On this subject, our team emphasizes that, contrary to the suggestions contained in Chinese leaders’ recent enthusiastic speeches suggest, China’s economic situation will not significantly improve this year. Between collapsing exports, an exploding housing bubble and soaring unemployment, Chinese GDP will remain stable in 2009 (or increase 2 to 3 percent maximum). This situation will strengthen Beijing’s intention to turn its back on all the strategies which led it into this situation for which the scapegoat is obvious. Sources: Financial Times, 04/13/2009; Chinaview, 04/02/2009; New York Times, 04/02/2009; ChinaDaily, 03/19/2009

(13) For instance, the AAA rating of the United States is a complete farce, as this article published in SeekingAlpha on 30/03/2009 explains. The whole country, companies, households, public services, are acquiring junk-bond status… but the federal government is still rated AAA! Rating agencies (all of whom are American) have well deserved the USD 400 billion they were paid by the federal government to help them in assessing the value of USD 1,000 billion worth of toxic assets that it is about to purchase from the banks. Assets which, of course, were rated AAA two years ago by the same agencies. But Beijing, as well as the rest of the world, has now fully understood the fraud. Source: BusinessInsider, 04/07/2009

(14) Source: MarketWatch, 04/12/2009

(15) Source: ChinaDaily, 04/12/2009

(16) Source: ChinaDaily, 04/11/2009

(17) As Brad Setser indicates, in 2008, China absorbed nearly half the foreign purchases of US Treasuries.

