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2015-12-18 21:27 工业·编程 ⁄ 共 23290字 ⁄ 字号 暂无评论







   yum vim gcc gdb




1    vim hello.c




1    #include <stdio.h>

2    int main(){

3        printf("Hello, World!\n");

4        return 0;

5    }




在一般模式下,按下":%!xxd"查看hello.c的16进制形式,回到文本格式按下":%!xxd -r"。

查看hello.c的二进制形式,按下":%!xxd -b",这是hello.c保存在磁盘上的存储状态。


关于vim的使用,直接上网搜索vim,相关的文章是相当多的;或者参考vim的联机帮助,在命令行上键入"man vim"即可。



1    gcc[options] [filenames]




1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    hello.c

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc hello.c

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    a.out  hello.c



1    [root@localhost c]# ./a.out

2    Hello, World!



1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    a.out  hello.c

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc hello.c -o hello

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    a.out  hello  hello.c



1    [root@localhost c]# ./hello

2    Hello, World!


注意:使用-o选项时,-o后面必须跟一个文件名,即:-o outfile。




1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    hello.c

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc -E hello.c -o hello.i

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    hello.c  hello.i



1    [root@localhost c]# less hello.i



1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    hello.c  hello.i

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc -S hello.c

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    hello.c  hello.i  hello.s


在gcc -S hello.c处,使用C源文件编译,也可以用gcc -S hello.i的预处理文件编译,结果一样。


1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    hello.c  hello.i  hello.s

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc -S hello.i -o hello_s.s

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    hello.c  hello.i  hello.s  hello_s.s




1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    hello.c  hello.i  hello.s  hello_s.s

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc -c hello.s

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    hello.c  hello.i  hello.o  hello.s  hello_s.s



1    [root@localhost c]# gcc -c hello.s -o hello.o



然后使用vim hello.o打开也显示为乱码,按下":%!xxd"查看其16进制形式,按下":%!xxd -r"退出 16进制查看模式,回到乱码状态。在退出vim时,若提示已经修改了文件,则使用":q!"强制退出。


1    [root@localhost c]# ls

2    hello.c  hello.i  hello.o  hello.s  hello_s.s

3    [root@localhost c]# gcc hello.o

4    [root@localhost c]# ls

5    a.out  hello.c  hello.i  hello.o  hello.s  hello_s.s



1    [root@localhost c]# gcc hello.o -o hello

2    [root@localhost c]# ls

3    a.out  hello  hello.c  hello.i  hello.o  hello.s  hello_s.s



1    [root@localhost c]# ./a.out

2    Hello, World!

3    [root@localhost c]# ./hello

4    Hello, World!


由此,看出前面使用的gcc hello.c -o hello命令,将hello.c直接编译为可执行的目标文件,中间经过于处理器的预处理阶段(源文件到预处理文件),编译器的编译阶段(预处理文件到汇编文件),汇编器的汇编阶段(汇编文件到可重定向的目标文件),链接器的链接阶段(可重定向的目标文件到可执行的目标文件)。







-O选项告诉GCC 对源代码进行基本优化。这些优化在大多数情况下都会使程序执行的更快。-O2选项告诉GCC产生尽可能小和尽可能快的代码。


除了-O和-O2优化选项外,还有一些低级选项用于产生更快的代码。这些选项非常的特殊,而且最好只有当你完全理解这些选项将会对编译后的代码产生什么样的效果时再去使用。这些选项的详细描述,请参考GCC的联机帮助,在命令行上键入"man gcc"即可。





虽然GCC提供了调试选项,但是本身不能用于调试。Linux 提供了一个名为gdb的GNU调试程序。gdb是一个用来调试C和C++程序的调试器。它使你能在程序运行时观察程序的内部结构和内存的使用情况。以下是gdb所提供的一些功能:






1    [root@localhost c]# gdb

2    GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-60.el6_4.1)

3    Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

4    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.

5    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"

6    and "show warranty" for details.

7    This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".

8    For bug reporting instructions, please see:<>.

9    (gdb)




1    [root@localhost c]# gdb hello





1    [root@localhost c]# gcc -g hello.c -o hello


gdb还提供了其他的启动选项,请参考gdb的联机帮助。在命令行上键入"man gdb"并回车即可。




01    #include <stdio.h>

02    int add_range(int low, int high){

03        int i;

04        int sum;

05        for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

06            sum = sum + i;

07        }

08        return sum;

09    }


11    int main(){

12        int result[100];

13        result[0] = add_range(1, 10);

14        result[1] = add_range(1, 100);

15        printf("result[0] = %d\nresult[1] = %d\n", result[0], result[1]);

16        return 0;


18    }



1    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# vim test1.c

2    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gcc test1.c -o test1

3    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ls

4    test1  test1.c

5    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ./test1

6    result[0] = 55

7    result[1] = 5105




01    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gcc test1.c -g -o test1

02    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gdb test1

03    GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-60.el6_4.1)

04    Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

05    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.

06    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"

07    and "show warranty" for details.

08    This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".

09    For bug reporting instructions, please see:<>...

10    Reading symbols from /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test1...done.

11    (gdb)




01    (gdb) help

02    List of classes of commands:

03    aliases -- Aliases of other commands

04    breakpoints -- Making program stop at certain points

05    data -- Examining data

06    files -- Specifying and examining files

07    internals -- Maintenance commands

08    obscure -- Obscure features

09    running -- Running the program

10    stack -- Examining the stack

11    status -- Status inquiries

12    support -- Support facilities

13    tracepoints -- Tracing of program execution without stopping the program

14    user-defined -- User-defined commands

15    Type "help" followed by a class name for a list of commands in that class.

16    Type "help all" for the list of all commands.

17    Type "help" followed by command name for full documentation.

18    Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".

19    Command name abbreviations are allowed if unambiguous.



01    (gdb) help files

02    Specifying and examining files.

03    List of commands:

04    add-symbol-file -- Load symbols from FILE

05    add-symbol-file-from-memory -- Load the symbols out of memory from a dynamically loaded object file

06    cd -- Set working directory to DIR for debugger and program being debugged

07    core-file -- Use FILE as core dump for examining memory and registers

08    directory -- Add directory DIR to beginning of search path for source files

09    edit -- Edit specified file or function

10    exec-file -- Use FILE as program for getting contents of pure memory

11    file -- Use FILE as program to be debugged

12    forward-search -- Search for regular expression (see regex(3)) from last line listed

13    generate-core-file -- Save a core file with the current state of the debugged process

14    list -- List specified function or line

15    load -- Dynamically load FILE into the running program



01    (gdb) list 1

02    1 #include <stdio.h>

03    2

04    3 int add_range(int low, int high){

05    4     int i;

06    5     int sum;

07    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

08    7         sum = sum + i;

09    8     }

10    9     return sum;

11    10 }

12    (gdb)



1    (gdb) list



1    (gdb) (直接回车)

2    11

3    12 int main(){

4    13     int result[100];

5    14     result[0] = add_range(1, 10);

6    15     result[1] = add_range(1, 100);

7    16     printf("result[0] = %d\nresult[1] = %d\n", result[0], result[1]);

8    17     return 0;

9    18 }



01    (gdb) l add_range

02    1 #include <stdio.h>

03    2

04    3 int add_range(int low, int high){

05    4     int i;

06    5     int sum;

07    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

08    7         sum = sum + i;

09    8     }

10    9     return sum;

11    10 }



1    (gdb) quit



01    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ls

02    test1  test1.c

03    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# mv test1.c test.c

04    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ls

05    test1  test.c

06    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gdb test1

07    ......

08    (gdb) l

09    5 test1.c: 没有那个文件或目录.

10     in test1.c

11    (gdb)




01    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# mv test.c test1.c

02    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gdb test1

03    ......

04    (gdb) start

05    Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x4004f8: file test1.c, line 14.

06    Starting program: /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test1

07    Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at test1.c:14

08    14     result[0] = add_range(1, 10);

09    Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.x86_64

10    (gdb)



1    (gdb) n

2    15     result[1] = add_range(1, 100);

3    (gdb) (直接回车)

4    16     printf("result[0] = %d\nresult[1] = %d\n", result[0], result[1]);

5    (gdb) (直接回车)

6    result[0] = 55

7    result[1] = 5105

8    17     return 0;




01    (gdb) start

02    The program being debugged has been started already.

03    Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y

04    Temporary breakpoint 3 at 0x4004f8: file test1.c, line 14.

05    Starting program: /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test1

06    Temporary breakpoint 3, main () at test1.c:14

07    14     result[0] = add_range(1, 10);

08    (gdb) s

09    add_range (low=1, high=10) at test1.c:6

10    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){




1    (gdb) bt

2    #0  add_range (low=1, high=10) at test1.c:6

3    #1  0x0000000000400507 in main () at test1.c:14


可见当前的add_range函数是被main函数调用的,main函数中传给add_range的参数是low=1, high=10。main函数的栈帧编号是1,add_range函数的栈帧编号是0。


1    (gdb) i locals

2    i = 0

3    sum = 0



01    (gdb) f 1

02    #1  0x0000000000400507 in main () at test1.c:14

03    14     result[0] = add_range(1, 10);

04    (gdb) i locals

05    result = {4195073, 0, -1646196904, 50, 4195016, 0, 0, 1, 2041, 1, -1654612390,

06      50, 0, 0, -1652419360, 50, -7728, 32767, -7688, 32767, -1652420216, 50,

07      -134227048, 32767, -163754450, 0, -1654612390, 50, 0, 0, -134227048, 32767,

08      1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 50, -1652420216, 50, -7848, 32767, 750006344, 0, 6, 0, -7826,

09      32767, 0, 0, -1652419360, 50, -7808, 32767, -1645672825, 50, -7784, 32767, 0,

10      1, 0, 0, 4195073, 0, 191, 0, -7826, 32767, -7825, 32767, 1, 0, 0, 0,

11      -1645672168, 50, 0, 0, 4195680, 0, 0, 0, 4195235, 0, -7512, 32767, 4195749,

12      0, -1646199904, 50, 4195680, 0, 0, 0, 4195296, 0, -7536, 32767, 0, 0}





01    (gdb) s

02    7         sum = sum + i;

03    (gdb)

04    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

05    (gdb)

06    7         sum = sum + i;

07    (gdb)

08    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

09    (gdb) p sum

10    $1 = 3





01    (gdb) f 0

02    #0  add_range (low=1, high=10) at test1.c:7

03    7         sum = sum + i;

04    (gdb) i locals

05    i = 1

06    sum = 0

07    (gdb) s

08    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

09    (gdb) i locals

10    i = 1

11    sum = 1

12    (gdb) s

13    7         sum = sum + i;

14    (gdb) i locals

15    i = 2

16    sum = 1

17    (gdb) s

18    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

19    (gdb) i locals

20    i = 2

21    sum = 3




1    (gdb) finish

2    Run till exit from #0  add_range (low=1, high=10) at test1.c:6

3    0x0000000000400507 in main () at test1.c:14

4    14     result[0] = add_range(1, 10);

5    Value returned is $1 = 55



01    (gdb) s

02    15     result[1] = add_range(1, 100);

03    (gdb) print result

04    $2 = {55, 0, -1646196904, 50, 4195016, 0, 0, 1, 2041, 1, -1654612390, 50, 0, 0,

05      -1652419360, 50, -7728, 32767, -7688, 32767, -1652420216, 50, -134227048,

06      32767, -163754450, 0, -1654612390, 50, 0, 0, -134227048, 32767, 1, 0, 0, 0,

07      1, 50, -1652420216, 50, -7848, 32767, 750006344, 0, 6, 0, -7826, 32767, 0, 0,

08      -1652419360, 50, -7808, 32767, -1645672825, 50, -7784, 32767, 0, 1, 0, 0,

09      4195073, 0, 191, 0, -7826, 32767, -7825, 32767, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1645672168, 50,

10      0, 0, 4195680, 0, 0, 0, 4195235, 0, -7512, 32767, 4195749, 0, -1646199904,

11      50, 4195680, 0, 0, 0, 4195296, 0, -7536, 32767, 0, 0}




1    (gdb) s

2    add_range (low=1, high=100) at test1.c:6

3    6     for(i = low; i <= high; i++){

4    (gdb) bt

5    #0  add_range (low=1, high=100) at test1.c:6

6    #1  0x000000000040051c in main () at test1.c:15

7    (gdb) i locals

8    i = 11

9    sum = 55




01    (gdb) set var sum=0

02    (gdb) finish

03    Run till exit from #0  add_range (low=1, high=100) at test1.c:6

04    0x000000000040051c in main () at test1.c:15

05    15     result[1] = add_range(1, 100);

06    Value returned is $3 = 5050

07    (gdb) s

08    16     printf("result[0] = %d\nresult[1] = %d\n", result[0], result[1]);

09    (gdb) s

10    result[0] = 55

11    result[1] = 5050

12    17     return 0;




1    (gdb) print result[2]=88

2    $4 = 88

3    (gdb) p printf("result[2]=%d\n", result[2])

4    result[2]=88

5    $5 = 13




01    list(l):列出源代码,接着上次的位置往下列,每次列10行

02    list 行号:列出产品从第几行开始的源代码

03    list 函数名:列出某个函数的源代码

04    start:开始执行程序,停在main函数第一行语句前面等待命令

05    next(n):执行下一列语句

06    step(s):执行下一行语句,如果有函数调用则进入到函数中

07    breaktrace(或bt):查看各级函数调用及参数

08    frame(f) 帧编号:选择栈帧

09    info(i) locals:查看当前栈帧局部变量的值

10    finish:执行到当前函数返回,然后挺下来等待命令

11    print(p):打印表达式的值,通过表达式可以修改变量的值或者调用函数

12    set var:修改变量的值

13    quit:退出gdb




01    # include <stdio.h>

02    int main(){

03        int sum =0;

04        int i = 0;

05        char input[5];


07        while(1){

08            scanf("%s", input);//在输入字符后自动加'\0'形成字符串

09            for(i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; i++){

10                sum = sum * 10 + input[i] - '0';//'1'-'0'=1,'\0'=0

11            }

12            printf("input = %d\n", sum);

13        }

14        return 0;

15    }



01    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# vim test2.c

02    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gcc test2.c -g -o test2

03    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ls

04    test1  test1.c  test2  test2.c

05    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ./test2

06    123

07    input = 123

08    12345

09    input = 12345

10    12345678

11    input = -268647318

12    (Ctrl-C退出程序)




1    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gdb test2

2    ......

3    (gdb) start

4    Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x40053c: file test2.c, line 4.

5    Starting program: /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test2

6    Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at test2.c:4

7    4     int sum =0;

8    Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.x86_64

9    (gdb)



01    (gdb) display sum

02    1: sum = 0

03    (gdb) n

04    5     int i = 0;

05    1: sum = 0

06    (gdb)

07    9         scanf("%s", input);

08    1: sum = 0

09    (gdb)

10    123

11    10         for(i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; i++){

12    1: sum = 0

13    (gdb)




01    (gdb) l

02    5     int i = 0;

03    6     char input[5];

04    7    

05    8     while(1){

06    9         scanf("%s", input);

07    10         for(i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; i++){

08    11             sum = sum * 10 + input[i] - '0';

09    12         }

10    13         printf("input = %d\n", sum);

11    14     }

12    (gdb) b 8

13    Breakpoint 2 at 0x40054a: file test2.c, line 8.



1    (gdb) c

2    Continuing.

3    input = 123

4    Breakpoint 2, main () at test2.c:9

5    9         scanf("%s", input);

6    1: sum = 123



1    (gdb) n

2    12345

3    10         for(i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; i++){

4    1: sum = 123





1    (gdb) b 11

2    Breakpoint 3 at 0x40056c: file test2.c, line 11.

3    (gdb) i breakpoints

4    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What

5    2       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000040054a in main at test2.c:8

6     breakpoint already hit 2 times

7    3       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000040056c in main at test2.c:11



1    (gdb) delete breakpoints 2

2    (gdb) i breakpoints

3    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What

4    3       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000040056c in main at test2.c:11



01    (gdb) disable breakpoints 3

02    (gdb) i breakpoints

03    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What

04    3       breakpoint     keep n   0x000000000040056c in main at test2.c:11

05    (gdb) enable breakpoints 3

06    (gdb) i breakpoints

07    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What

08    3       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000040056c in main at test2.c:11

09    (gdb) delete breakpoints

10    Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) y

11    (gdb) i breakpoints

12    No breakpoints or watchpoints.



01    (gdb) break 10 if sum != 0

02    Breakpoint 5 at 0x400563: file test2.c, line 10.

03    (gdb) i breakpoints

04    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What

05    5       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000400563 in main at test2.c:10

06     stop only if sum != 0

07    (gdb) r

08    The program being debugged has been started already.

09    Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y

10    Starting program: /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test2

11    123

12    input = 123

13    123

14    Breakpoint 5, main () at test2.c:10

15    10         for(i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; i++){

16    1: sum = 123




01    break(b) 行号:在某一行设置断点

02    break 函数名:在某个函数开头设置断点

03    break...if...:设置条件断点

04    continue(或c):从当前位置开始连续而非单步执行程序

05    delete breakpoints:删除所有断点

06    delete breakpoints n:删除序号为n的断点

07    disable breakpoints:禁用断点

08    enable breakpoints:启用断点

09    info(或i) breakpoints:参看当前设置了哪些断点

10    run(或r):从开始连续而非单步执行程序

11    display 变量名:跟踪查看一个变量,每次停下来都显示它的值

12    undisplay:取消对先前设置的那些变量的跟踪




01    #include <stdio.h>

02    int main(){

03        int i;

04        char str[6] = "hello";

05        char reverse_str[6] = "";

06        printf("%s\n", str);

07        for(i = 0; i < 5; i ++){

08            reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

09        }

10        printf("%s\n", reverse_str);

11        return 0;

12    }



1    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gcc test3.c -g -o test3

2    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ./test3

3    hello




01    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gdb test3

02    ......

03    (gdb) l

04    1 #include <stdio.h>

05    2

06    3 int main(){

07    4     int i;

08    5     char str[6] = "hello";

09    6     char reverse_str[6] = "";

10    7

11    8     printf("%s\n", str);

12    9     for(i = 0; i < 5; i ++){

13    10         reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

14    (gdb)

15    11     }

16    12     printf("%s\n", reverse_str);

17    13     return 0;

18    14 }

19    (gdb) i breakpoints

20    No breakpoints or watchpoints.

21    (gdb) b 10

22    Breakpoint 1 at 0x4004fb: file test3.c, line 10.

23    (gdb) i breakpoints

24    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What

25    1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000004004fb in main at test3.c:10

26    (gdb) r

27    Starting program: /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test3

28    hello

29    Breakpoint 1, main () at test3.c:10

30    10         reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

31    Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.x86_64

32    (gdb) p reverse_str

33    $1 = "\000\000\000\000\000"

34    (gdb) c

35    Continuing.

36    Breakpoint 1, main () at test3.c:10

37    10         reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

38    (gdb) p reverse_str

39    $2 = "\000\000\000\000\000h"

40    (gdb) c

41    Continuing.

42    Breakpoint 1, main () at test3.c:10

43    10         reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

44    (gdb) p reverse_str

45    $3 = "\000\000\000\000eh"

46    (gdb) c

47    Continuing.

48    Breakpoint 1, main () at test3.c:10

49    10         reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

50    (gdb) p reverse_str

51    $4 = "\000\000\000leh"

52    (gdb) c

53    Continuing.

54    Breakpoint 1, main () at test3.c:10

55    10         reverse_str[5-i] = str[i];

56    (gdb) p reverse_str

57    $5 = "\000\000lleh"

58    (gdb) c

59    Continuing.

60    Program exited normally.

61    (gdb)





01    #include <stdio.h>

02    #include <string.h>

03    int main(){

04        int i;

05        char str[6] = "hello";

06        char reverse_str[6] = "";

07        printf("%s\n", str);

08        int len = strlen(str);

09        for(i = 0; i <= len-1; i ++){

10            reverse_str[len-1-i] = str[i];

11        }

12        printf("%s\n", reverse_str);

13        return 0;

14    }



1    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gcc test3.c -o test3

2    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ./test3

3    hello

4    olleh




vim test4.c

01    # include <stdio.h>

02    int main(){

03        int sum =0;

04        int i;

05        for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

06            sum = sum +i;

07        }

08        printf("sum = %d\n", sum);

09        return 0;

10    }



1    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gcc test4.c -g -o test4

2    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# ./test4

3    sum = 55



01    [root@localhost gdb_demo]# gdb test4

02    ......

03    (gdb) start

04    Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x4004cc: file test4.c, line 4.

05    Starting program: /root/code/c/gdb_demo/test4

06    Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at test4.c:4

07    4     int sum =0;

08    Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.x86_64

09    (gdb) l

10    1 # include <stdio.h>

11    2

12    3 int main(){

13    4     int sum =0;

14    5     int i;

15    6     for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

16    7         sum = sum +i;

17    8     }

18    9     printf("sum = %d\n", sum);

19    10     return 0;

20    (gdb)

21    11 }

22    (gdb) watch sum

23    Hardware watchpoint 2: sum

24    (gdb) c

25    Continuing.

26    Hardware watchpoint 2: sum

27    Old value = 0

28    New value = 1

29    main () at test4.c:6

30    6     for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

31    (gdb) c

32    Continuing.

33    Hardware watchpoint 2: sum

34    Old value = 1

35    New value = 3

36    main () at test4.c:6

37    6     for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

38    (gdb) c

39    Continuing.

40    Hardware watchpoint 2: sum

41    Old value = 3

42    New value = 6

43    main () at test4.c:6

44    6     for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

45    (gdb) c

46    Continuing.

47    Hardware watchpoint 2: sum

48    Old value = 6

49    New value = 10

50    main () at test4.c:6

51    6     for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

52    (gdb)



1    watch:设置观察点

2    info(或i) watchpoints:查看当前设置了哪些观察点







x 按十六进制格式显示变量。

d 按十进制格式显示变量。

u 按十六进制格式显示无符号整型。

o 按八进制格式显示变量。

t 按二进制格式显示变量。

a 按十六进制格式显示变量。

c 按字符格式显示变量。

f 按浮点数格式显示变量。

01    (gdb) p sum

02    $1 = 10

03    (gdb) p/a sum

04    $2 = 0xa

05    (gdb) p/x sum

06    $3 = 0xa

07    (gdb) p/o sum

08    $4 = 012

09    (gdb) p/t sum

10    $5 = 1010

11    (gdb) p/f sum

12    $6 = 1.40129846e-44

13    (gdb) p/c sum

14    $7 = 10 '\n'






n 是一个正整数,表示显示内存的长度,也就是说从当前地址向后显示几个地址的内容。

f 表示显示的格式,参见上面。如果地址所指的是字符串,那么格式可以是s,如果地十是指令地址,那么格式可以是i。

u 表示从当前地址往后请求的字节数,如果不指定的话,GDB默认是4个bytes。u参数可以用下面的字符来代替,b表示单字节,h表示双字节,w表示四字节,g表示八字节。当我们指定了字节长度后,GDB会从指内存定的内存地址开始,读写指定字节,并把其当作




命令:x/3uh 0x54320 表示,从内存地址0x54320读取内容,h表示以双字节为一个单位,3表示三个单位,u表示按十六进制显示。

